GPGAppstateModel does not exist in new gpg.framework 4.1.1

95 views Asked by At

After update to gpg.framework ver 4.1.1, I found out that GPGAppstateModel no longer exist, so some commands in my iOS game return an error. Example of the code I used to load token in my game:

GPGAppStateModel *model = [GPGManager sharedInstance].applicationModel.appState;
    NSNumber *totalTokensKey = [NSNumber numberWithInt:CloudSaveKey_TotalTokens];

    [model loadForKey:totalTokensKey completionHandler:^(GPGAppStateLoadStatus status, NSError *error) {
        if (status == GPGAppStateLoadStatusNotFound) {
            // Data for this key does not exist. This must be the first time our user
            // played this game
            NSLog(@"Total tokens does not exist");

        } else {}

Is there anyway I can fix this?


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