I cannot use functions from packages to do maps on R as I cannot find a way to enable gpclibPermit().
I have read the solutions here and here. but not luck.
I have installed and run successfully the following packages:
- maptools
- ggplot2
- (c("sp", "maptools"))
- rgeos
- rgda
- gpclib
And yet I keep getting the message:
gpclibPermit() FALSE
gpclibPermitStatus() FALSE
What am I doing wrong?! I also updated all my packages (successfully)...
Unless someone has a better answer, I think I found my explanation here:
Whilst R told me that the package gclib was somehow installed, it looks like it wouldn't work as new versions of R do not support this package (apparently it used to crash the system etc.) rgeos is suggested elsewhere as a suitable alternative.
Hope this helps other newbies of mapping in R like myself.