Gosu Installation Error

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I'm trying to set up the Ruby for kids tutorial, and am completely stuck on the first step. Something with my GOSU GEM instalation is wring. Whenever I try and run the main file as requested I get this error:

internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require:29:in require': no such file to load -- gosu (LoadError) from internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in require'

from main.rb:1:in `main'

I have run the $ sudo gem install gosu many times in different locations, upon studying the outcome I've located this:

ERROR:  Error installing gosu:

ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

/Users/carlosamengual/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p320/bin/ruby extconf.rb

The Gosu gem requires some libraries to be installed system-wide. See the following site for a list: https://github.com/jlnr/gosu/wiki/Getting-Started-on-Linux

I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong. I've visited the site it says, but I believe, since it is a ruby project I don't need anything else? Can anyone advise as to how to fix it?


There are 3 answers

Kingsley Ijomah On

I had similar issue whilst installing on OS X 10.9.4 although am not sure the version has much to do with it, but ruby version is ruby-2.1.2

To resolve this, I installed these additional dependencies for Gosu which fixed the problem:

brew install sdl2 libogg libvorbis

Then run gem install gosu as usual.

Leonardo Neves On

Be sure you using rbenv or install ruby by homebrew. Rvm is not compatible with gosu. Install homebrew: https://brew.sh/ .


brew install sdl2
brew install libogg libvorbis
brew unlink imagemagick
brew install imagemagick@6 && brew link imagemagick@6 --force

And have fun!

look at: https://github.com/gosu/gosu/wiki/Getting-Started-on-OS-X

MmmHmm On

If you are using Ruby Gosu on OSX, you might want to go here:


For what it is worth, I'm currently using Ubuntu 14 with Ruby 2.3 and using rvm I have downloaded gosu 0.10.8 and successfully gotten a gosu window to load. I had the same problem while starting off with Ruby Gosu and using "bundler" in the project directory took care of the gem dependency. In addition to visiting this website:


and after entering this in the command line:

user@ubuntu:~/Ruby/gosu_project$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libpango1.0-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libfreeimage-dev libopenal-dev libsndfile-dev

user@ubuntu:~/Ruby/gosu_project$ gem install gosu

I also had to invoke:


http://bundler.io/ - also works with MacOSX...

per: https://github.com/gosu/gosu/wiki/ruby-tutorial

This gosu file:

# basic Gosu: gui test file

require 'gosu'
require_relative 'gosu_test.rb'

class TestWindow < Gosu::Window   # <-- inherits from Gosu Window Super class

  def initialize
    super 640, 480, false         # <-- width, height, fullscreen = false
    self.caption = "successful gosu test window"

  def update

  def draw



...loads a 640x480 window

user@ubuntu:~/Ruby/gosu_project$ ruby gosu_test.rb