I am trying to use some colors with alpha < 1 in googlevis chart without success.
My initial Color List that is applied is:
MyColors <- c('#DD4477', '#109618', '#AAAA11)
Then I apply the function adjustcolor: MyAlphaColors <- adjustcolor(MyColors, 0.4)
If I try to use these colors in a googlevis chart I get the error: #109618E6 is not a valid color string
How could I overcome this problem and use some colors with alpha < 1 in my googlevis charts?
Here is a reproducible example (in that particular case I don't get the error message but the second series colors are not plotted properly):
MyColors <- c('#DD4477', '#109618', '#AAAA11')
df <- data.frame(country=c("US", "GB", "BR"), val1=c(10,13,14), val1.style = MyColors, val2=c(23,12,32), val2.style = adjustcolor(MyColors, 0.4))
plot(gvisColumnChart(df, xvar="country", yvar=c(colnames(df)[2], colnames(df)[3], colnames(df)[4], colnames(df)[5]),
chartArea = "{left:'10%',top:'10%',width:'80%',height:'70%'}",
backgroundColor = "white")