In the last couple of days, we have started to receive a missing template error when the google bot attempts to access our main home page (welcome/index). I have been staring at this for a couple of hours and know that I am just missing something simple.
A ActionView::MissingTemplate occurred in welcome#index:
Missing template welcome/index with {:handlers=>[:erb, :rjs, :builder, :rhtml, :rxml, :haml], :formats=>["*/*;q=0.9"], :locale=>[:en, :en]}
But the template does exist (index.html.haml). If it didn't no one could access our home page.
Here is some additional environment information:
* REMOTE_PORT : 56883
* Parameters: {"controller"=>"welcome", "action"=>"index"}
Any insights you have would be greatly appreciated.
The solution to the problem is to specify the format in your action.
Up until now, I had simply had the following in my index action
Once I inserted a respond_to block
I stopped getting the missing template errors.