I am running a test on a landing page. The conversion is a "signup" page with a form.
I would like now to test some form designs, and find an optimized version.
Can I use my form (conversion page for first test) as a new original for my new test? Does it go in conflict with GWO logic?
Thank you
That shouldn't be a problem at all. You can definitely run many concurrent tests on a site. In this case you're running Test A (current test) and Test B (form optimization test). You'll have:
Landing Page
Signup Page
Confirmation Page or Submit button click event
The existence of Test A's goal code on the signup page won't make any difference. GWO uses a modified version of Google Analytics, and basically every test is a separate account. They shouldn't create any conflict with each other.
One note: I've not run separate instances of the control code on the same page, but I think that's safe, too.