I'm trying to integrate my project with Google Vision API
Here is the maven dependency for you to check the client version I'm trying to integrate with:
The way the documentation offers to set the API authentication credentials is the following:
Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the
file path of the JSON file that contains your service account key
I'm wondering if there is a way to set the credentials explicitly in code as that is more convenient than setting environment variables in each and every environment we are running our project on.
As I know for a former client version 1.22
that was possible doing the following:
def credentialFile = this.class.classLoader
GoogleCredential credential =
Vision vision = new
jsonFactory, credential).build()
But for the new client API I was not able to find the way and documentation doesn't say anything in that regards.
It's possible: Create an ImageAnnotatorSettings like:
Add this to your client and voilá!