I'm trying restrict Google Shopping Requests by a category (In this case, I only want actual Movies/DVDs/Blu-Rays returned)..
Here is what I am passing:
Where MY_KEY is the key I obtained from: https://code.google.com/apis/console/#project:396093783634:access
I would like my returned results to look more like this:
What do I need to pass in as a parameter?
From https://developers.google.com/shopping-search/v1/reference-request-parameters it looks like you could specify:
but categoryName has to come from a provided taxonomy, and you can only provide a taxonomy if you're accessing Commerce Search, rather than the public product list. Google Shopping itself presumably has a default taxonomy built in, but the docs for the APIs suggest that that taxonomy isn't available to API users.
So: this isn't supported.
Edit: discussion thread where Google engineers confirm it's not presently supported