Google Scholar API of SerpApi fetches only first 100 articles from GoogleScholar profile

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What am I trying to do ? I am trying to use SerpApi's Google Scholar API for fetching articles of the publishers and was expecting all article titles to store in the array $title but it limits only to the first 100 articles.

Any Help Would be really appreciated, code :

from serpapi import GoogleSearch
import sys

id = sys.argv[1]
key = sys.argv[2]
params = {
  "engine": "google_scholar_author",
  "author_id": id,
  "api_key": key,

search = GoogleSearch(params)
results = search.get_dict()
articles = results["articles"]

res = [ sub['title'] for sub in articles ]



$title = shell_exec("python publicationScripts/ $gscID $key");


The output shows only 100 articles but there are more than 200 articles 

There are 1 answers

Mark On

This is expected as you haven't applied pagination. In your example, you're iterating over articles and extracting title. Here's how you would do pagination in Python.

Additionally, num has a maximum of 100 results per page. It cannot display more than that. It's a Google restriction

Thank you to Dmitriy for clarification. You can get more than 100 by using pagination.