Google Maps changing placemark icon solely based on styleUrl string syntax

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I've written a simple script in python that converts a CSV file to a KML file using the simplekml package. It colors my points based on one of my data values.

My problem is this: I’m trying to use the smallest icon possible because my placemarks are very close to each other. This works well when the style ID is “icon-1739-7CB342” but fails (Google My Maps renders a drop) when the style ID is “2”

The result is that the default KML generated by simplekml cannot be rendered with the small point as I cannot control the IDs.

My code:

import simplekml
import pandas
import sys

infile = sys.argv[1]
outfile = infile.split(".")[0]+".kml"

def genkml():
    kml = simplekml.Kml()
    ok = simplekml.Style()
    ok.iconstyle.color = 'ff42b37c'  # Green
    ok.iconstyle.icon.href = ''
    ok.iconstyle.scale = 1

    rc = simplekml.Style()
    rc.iconstyle.color = 'ff00eaff'  # Yellow
    rc.iconstyle.icon.href = ''
    rc.iconstyle.scale = 1

    seco = simplekml.Style()
    seco.iconstyle.color = 'ff0051e6'  # Red
    seco.iconstyle.icon.href = ''
    seco.iconstyle.scale = 1
    df = pandas.read_csv(infile)
    cuenta = 1
    for lon, lat, desc in zip(df["longitude"], df["latitude"], df["desc"]):
        nogal = kml.newpoint() = "Nogal"+"-"+str(cuenta)
        nogal.description = desc.upper()
        nogal.coords = [(lon, lat)]
        if "OK" in nogal.description:
   = ok
        if "RC" in nogal.description:
   = rc
        if "SECO" in nogal.description:
   = seco
        cuenta += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":

My test input file:

type,date time,latitude,longitude,accuracy(m),altitude(m),geoid_height(m),speed(m/s),bearing(deg),sat_used,sat_inview,name,desc
W,2021-05-30 21:08:27,28.66231833,-100.83812667,1,257.122,-23.722,0.000,,28,33,,Q31 ok
W,2021-05-30 21:11:56,28.66243667,-100.83811000,1,256.922,-23.722,0.000,,26,35,,O32 ok

The resulting KML (original):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns=""
    <Document id="1">
        <Style id="2">
            <IconStyle id="3">
                <Icon id="4">
        <Placemark id="12">
            <description>Q31 OK</description>
            <Point id="11">
        <Placemark id="14">
            <description>Q32 OK</description>
            <Point id="13">

The modified KML, with a manually added style (ID = “icon-1739-7CB342”) that renders as a small dot for Nogal-2 and a drop for Nogal-1 (please note that the only difference between the styles is the ID):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns=""
    <Document id="1">
        <Style id="2">
        <Style id="icon-1739-7CB342">
        <Placemark id="12">
            <description>Q31 OK</description>
            <Point id="11">
        <Placemark id="14">
            <description>Q32 OK</description>
            <Point id="13">

The rendered image by Google My Maps. I would like to use Nogal-2's icon without having to manually add the icon-1739-7CB342 style


There are 1 answers

Christiaan Adams On

Try changing your style ID(s) to start with a letter. Per the XML spec (and therefore in KML), ID attributes cannot start with a number. If that doesn't fix it, let us know and I can take a closer look at your KML.