Google Cloud TPU: gcloud compute tpus create failing with permission denied

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I am trying to follow an official tutorial on training model with google cloud TPUs. This is the tutorial :

At the step "Launch a Cloud TPU resource" i do the following

:~$ gcloud compute tpus create train-bert-one \
> --zone=europe-west4-a \
> --network=default \
> --version=pytorch-1.6 \
> --accelerator-type=v3-8

Just as in the tutorial, I merely adapted the region.

The command fails with

ERROR: (gcloud.compute.tpus.create) PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'tpu.nodes.create' denied on 'projects/bert-archaea-fine-tuning/locations/europe-west4-a/nodes/train-bert-one'

Does anyone know this error? Cannot find anything on it.


There are 1 answers

fteufel On

Google Support was able to fix it, the problem was that for some reason there was no working API service account created automatically when creating the project with

gcloud compute --project=${PROJECT_ID} instances create transformer-tutorial \
--zone=us-central1-a  \
--machine-type=n1-standard-16  \
--image-family=torch-xla \
--image-project=ml-images  \
--boot-disk-size=200GB \

Was fixed with adding the flag --service-account= to the command and manually specifying which service account to use.