I'm trying to initialize a Resumable Download to Google Cloud Storage using a Service Account. The generated Authorization token is valid (I have verified it at https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo?access_token=) and the Application has Full Control. However when I try to get a new URI for a resumable download I get a 401 Error (Invalid Credentials). What am I doing wrong here?
40 $key = file_get_contents(KEY_FILE);
41 $client->setAssertionCredentials(new Google_AssertionCredentials(
43 array('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control'),
44 $key)
45 );
47 $client->setClientId(CLIENT_ID);
48 $service = new Google_StorageService($client);
49 $buckets = $service->buckets;
50 $bucketObj = new Google_Bucket();
52 $time = time();
53 $b_name = "test_bucket_"."$time";
54 $bucketObj->setName($b_name);
55 // $response = $buckets->insert('test_project-0001',$bucketObj);
56 $response = $buckets->listBuckets('test_project-0001');
57 $tokenStr = $client->getAccessToken();
58 print "Token String : $tokenStr\n";
59 $token = '';
60 if(preg_match('/access_token\":\"(.*.)\",/', $tokenStr, $matches)) {
61 print "Tken $matches[1] \n";
62 $token = $matches[1];
63 }
66 $req = new Google_HttpRequest("https://www.googleapis.com/upload/storage/v1beta2/b/test_project-0001_test_bucket_1/o?uploadType=resumable&name=song");
67 $req->setRequestHeaders(array(
68 'Authorization:' => "$token",
69 'X-Upload-Content-Length:' => '4509237'));
74 $req->setRequestMethod('POST');
75 // $req->setPostBody($e_body);
77 var_dump($req);
78 $gRest = new Google_REST();
79 $response = $gRest->execute($req);
80 var_dump($response);
82 ?>
This gives me the following output { "error": { "errors": [{ "domain": "global", "reason": "authError", "message": "Invalid Credentials", "locationType": "header", "location": "Authorization" }], "code": 401, "message": "Invalid Credentials" } }
Could anyone give me some pointers on what I'm doing wrong?
I figured it out. Turns out I need to send an authenticated request like this:
(notice there's no Authentication parameter in the array)
And that's that