I'm not able to find a small example (or tutorial) of Android App (possibly with Android Studio) that use Authenticated Endpoints realized with GAE (possibly Python).
Google examples (Greetings and Tic Tac Toe) seems have some problem in my environment (token error, 404 not found, .....).
Can anyone help me? I'm going crazy...
Thank you in advance.
Are you able to access your Endpoint from api Explorer on localhost(http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer ) you can even simulate authentication there.
if API explorer is working then you need to check how you define SCOPE when getting credentials.
In my experience I had problems in following areas: 1. Generating Client IDs 2. define scoping in Endpoint API 3. Specifying correct scope in android App (server:client_id:123456789-abcdefghsadffwe.apps.googleusercontent.com";