Good practice to show Form from UserControl

223 views Asked by At

I want to follow good practices design patterns when developing WinForms applications.

I have a UserControl with a button "Add" to open a new Form where de user can search Employees. How i can organize my code?


There are 1 answers

Mateusz Radny On

If you use WinForms you should use MVP (Model-View-Presenter) design pattern. In this case each view has own ISomethingView which contains the properties and the events, for example:

    public interface IBaseView
       void Show();
       void Close();

    public interface ILoginView : IBaseView
       string Login { get; }
       string Password {get; }
       event EventHandler SignIn { get; }

And now your UserControl must implemented this interface.

Also for each view you have to create a presenter which is responsible for communication between the view and a business logic:

    public LoginPresenter
       // private variables 

       public LoginPresenter(ILoginView loginView, IOtherView otherView)
           this.loginView = loginView;
           this.otherView = otherView;

           this.loginView.SignUp += OnSignUp;

       private void OnSignUp(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            if (this.authService.Login(this.loginView.UserName, this.loginView.Password))

You can use DI container to resolve all I*Vies, for example:

    public class LoginUserControl : UserControl, ILoginView
        public LoginUserControl()
             this.loginPresenter = new LoginPresenter(this, DIContainer.Resolve<IOtherView>());