I am fairly new to coding in golang and am struggling with the panic/recover process for a bad url request. Below is a script which queries a list of URLs and outputs responses. Occasionally a bad url is entered or a server is down and the HTTP request fails which causes a panic. I am not clear on how to recover from this and continue. I want the program to recover from the panic, document the bad url and error, and continue down the list of urls outputting the failed url and error with the rest of the normal url response data.
package main
import (
var urls = []string{
"http://www.google.com", //good url, 200
"http://www.googlegoogle.com/", //bad url
"http://www.zoogle.com", //500 example
//CONCURRENT HTTP REQUESTS -------------------------------------------
func MakeRequest(url string, ch chan<- string) {
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error Triggered", err)
ch <- fmt.Sprintf("err: %s", err)
ch <- fmt.Sprintf("url: %s, status: %s ", url, resp.Status) // put response into a channel
func main() {
output := make([][]string, 0) //define an array to hold responses
//PANIC RECOVER------------------------------
defer func() { //catch or finally
if r := recover(); r != nil { //catch
fmt.Println("Recover Triggered: ", r)
//MAKE URL REQUESTS----------------------------------------------
for _, url := range urls {
ch := make(chan string) //create a channel for each request
go MakeRequest(url, ch) //make concurrent http request
output = append(output, []string{<-ch}) //append output to an array
//PRINT OUTPUT ----------------------
for _, value := range output {
I am looking for an output similar to:
[url: http://www.google.com, status: 200 OK ]
[url: http://www.googlegoogle.com, err: no such host]
[url: http://www.zoogle.com, status: 500 Internal Server Error ]
Thanks Jim B. I assumed the panic was triggered by the request, but it was the attempt to use "resp.Status" for a failed request, since it doesn't exist. I modified my error handling to only put a resp.Status in the "ch" if there is no error. In the case of an error, I substitute a different response into the "ch" with the error value. No need to recover since no panic was triggered.
Output is now:
[url: http://www.google.com, status: 200 OK ]
[url: http://www.googlegoogle.com/, err: Get http://www.googlegoogle.com/: dial tcp: lookup www.googlegoogle.com: no such host ]
[url: http://www.zoogle.com, status: 500 Internal Server Error ]