golang google oauth2 - not able to get user info (library : https://github.com/golang/oauth2)

4.3k views Asked by At

i am using the following library for google oauth2 https://github.com/golang/oauth2

I am using the code given in the examples (url : http://play.golang.org/p/qXyuaVEhyS ,https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/oauth2/google )

I am able to get the auth code and token , but not able to make a get request to get user info

MyCode :

conf := &oauth2.Config{
        ClientID:     "my client id",
        ClientSecret: "secred id",
        RedirectURL:  "http://localhost:3000/googlelogin",
        Scopes: []string{
        Endpoint: google.Endpoint,

m.Get("/googleloginrequest", func(r render.Render, request *http.Request) {

    url := conf.AuthCodeURL("state")
    fmt.Printf("Visit the URL for the auth dialog: %v", url)



m.Get("/googlelogin", func(r render.Render, request *http.Request) {

        authcode := request.FormValue("code")

        tok, err := conf.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, authcode)
        if err != nil {

        client := conf.Client(oauth2.NoContext, tok)

        resp, err :=client.Get("https://www.googleapis.com/userinfo/v2/me")

        r.JSON(200, map[string]interface{}{"status":resp})

the response i get here is very big and does not have any user info

response :

 200 OK","StatusCode":200,"Proto":"HTTP/1.1","ProtoMajor":1,"ProtoMinor":1,"Header":{"Alternate-
Protocol":["443:quic,p=0.02"],"Cache-Control":["no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-
revalidate"],"Content-Type":["application/json; charset=UTF-8"],"Date":["Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:18:19 
    GMT"],"Expires":["Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT"],"Pragma":["no-cache"],"Server":["GSE"],"Vary":
    Protection":["1; mode=block"]},"Body":{},"ContentLength":-1,"TransferEncoding":

Please help, or suggest me other working library/code ,which works in the above scenario


There are 1 answers

sanath_p On BEST ANSWER

this Library works for me "golang.org/x/oauth2/google"


googleconf = &oauth2.Config{
        ClientID:     "your-client-id",
        ClientSecret: "youe-secred",
        RedirectURL:  "http://localhost:300/googlelogin",
        Scopes: []string{
        Endpoint: google.Endpoint,

Redirect User on Request :

url := googleconf.AuthCodeURL("state")

Getting Data From Google :

    authcode := request.FormValue("code")

    tok, err := googleconf.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, authcode)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("err is", err)

    fmt.Println("token is ", tok)
    response, err := http.Get("https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/userinfo?access_token=" + tok.AccessToken)

    defer response.Body.Close()
    contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)