I have data that is of the format:
name y err_lower err_higher
That is, I have specific values that I want to be the top of the error bar and the bottom of the error bar, for my two series y1 and y2.
My script is:
fontsize = 12
set term postscript enhanced eps fontsize size 20,4
set output "results.eps"
set style fill solid 1.00 border 0
set style histogram errorbars
set style data histogram
set xtics rotate by -45
set grid ytics
set ylabel "EMD"
set yrange [0:4]
plot 'results.tsv' using 2:3:4:xticlabels(1)
This results in a chart where the error bars are horizontally shifted, out of sync with the bar that the error is meant for. A snippet of the produced graph:
Does anyone know what I've done wrong here? This problem also occurs for clustered bar charts, which is what I'm actually trying to create.
If it matters, I have quite a lot of lines in the datafile (528) so the chart is quite horizontally long.