I am working with the bitalino board and I wanted to print the data with python but when I run the proper code, it shows me the message
Global name 'bluetooth' is not defined
According to my pc the board is connected via bluetooth. I don't know what the problem is, could you help me? Pd: I am using Mac OS X.
This is part of the code where the problem may be:
import bluetooth
from bluetooth import discover_devices
except ImportError:
import serial
from serial.tools import list_ports
import time
import math
import numpy
class BITalino(object):
def __init__(self):
BITalino class: interface to the BITalino hardware.
self.socket = None
self.analogChannels = []
self.number_bytes = None
self.macAddress = None
self.serial = False
def find(self, serial=False):
Search for bluetooth devices nearby
Output: tuple with name and mac address of each device found
if serial:
nearby_devices = list(port[0] for port in list_ports.comports() if 'bitalino' or 'COM' in port[0])
nearby_devices = discover_devices(lookup_names=True)
return nearby_devices
return -1
def open(self, macAddress=None, SamplingRate=1000):
Connect to bluetooth device with the mac address provided.
Configure the sampling Rate.
macAddress (string): MAC address of the bluetooth device
SamplingRate(int): Sampling frequency (Hz); values available: 1000, 100, 10 and 1
Output: True or -1 (error)
Setup = True
while Setup:
if macAddress != None:
if ":" in macAddress and len(macAddress) == 17:
self.socket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM)
self.socket.connect((macAddress, 1))
self.socket = serial.Serial(macAddress, 115200)
self.serial = True
# Configure sampling rate
if SamplingRate == 1000:
variableToSend = 0x03
elif SamplingRate == 100:
variableToSend = 0x02
elif SamplingRate == 10:
variableToSend = 0x01
elif SamplingRate == 1:
variableToSend = 0x00
raise TypeError, "The Sampling Rate %s cannot be set in BITalino. Choose 1000, 100, 10 or 1." % SamplingRate
return -1
variableToSend = int((variableToSend<<6)|0x03)
Setup = False
except Exception, e:
print e
return -1
raise TypeError, "A MAC address or serial port is needed to connect"
return -1
self.macAddress = macAddress
return True
Hopefully this will help: http://lightblue.sourceforge.net/
This is an API for python's bluetooth feature