Global error handler with Spring @ControllerAdvice doesn't work

3.4k views Asked by At

Anyone know why the following code failed to capture the exception?

package org.rythmengine.spring.web.servlet.view;

import org.rythmengine.RythmEngine;
import org.rythmengine.exception.RythmException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ControllerAdvice;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

public class RythmExceptionHandler {

    RythmEngine engine;

    public RythmExceptionHandler(RythmConfigurer conf) {
        this.engine = conf.getRythmEngine();

    @ExceptionHandler(value = RythmException.class)
    public ModelAndView defaultErrorHandler(RythmException e) throws Exception {
        if (engine.mode().isProd()) {
            throw e;
        ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
        mav.addObject("exception", e);
        return mav;


There are 1 answers


Found the issue. It needs to add one line in the configuration file:

<context:component-scan base-package="org.rythmengine.spring.web.servlet.view"/>

And also need to add @EnableWebMvc annotation in additional to the @ControllerAdvice annotation.

However I can't force user to add the component in their configuration, or I want to make it transparent to user. Thus the solution become the following code:

    if (engine.isDevMode()) {
        AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();

This is not the end so far. It successfully capture the Exception in user's controller code, but not the exception in the view rendering process. I am looking for a way to add HandlerInterceptor so that it can handle error in DispatcherServlet.triggerAfterCompletion(...)


The above code proved not working. The final solution is adding the following annotation to an arbitrary class:


And yes, now I don't need user to add the <context:component-scan ...> into their xml configuration file.

With regarding to render time exception handling, I cache the exception internally in the RythmView class in case there are error (usually compile error or parsing error) raised up at checkResource(Locale) call, and in the following renderMergedTemplateModel call I will check if there are cached exception, if there is then render the exception screen, which is something like:

enter image description here

And yes, the developer friendly screen feature is only available when you set devMode to true (which is by default false) for RythmConfigurer:

<bean id="rythmConfig" class="org.rythmengine.spring.web.servlet.view.RythmConfigurer">
    <property name="resourceLoaderPath" value="/WEB-INF/rythm/"/>
    <property name="outputRequestParameters" value="false"/>
    <property name="devMode" value="true"/>