I am trying to establish how widely used the Glide framework (http://glide-gae.appspot.com/) is on App Engine, I am looking for a RAD environment for developing on App Engine and came across these slides http://www.slideshare.net/kunal.dabir/rapid-app-dev-on-gae and I thought Glide was what I was looking for. I have downloaded and tried to follow the 2 minutes to fly steps when I get to the step 4 and enter glide I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" : D:\Documents\dev\GAE\Glide\hello-glide\null\template does not exist
followed by an exception stack trace
I can get the example projects to run using
gradlew run -Papp=D:\glide\samples\simple_app
Glide is currently work in progress but it's based on Gaelyk Framework which is already mature serving millions of requests a day. Glide just simplifies even more the already easy development (compared to pure Java) on Google App Engine.
Try to ask Kunal directly for more information.