I need to use a domain for GKE cluster to access ingress into the cluster and applications, similar like azure AKS http add-on which gives a generic-created domain(not a custom domain) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/http-application-routing Is there any solution on Google cloud as well?
Our GKE creating/deleting process is a part of IaC tooling and we are automating cluster and our app deployment for dev/test/staging. And the generic domain creation and binding managed dns zone to the cluster resources gives us great flexibility. Otherwise we have to create custom domain and managed dns zone which will be static and bring unnecessary complexity to the provisioning tooling.
There is not generic domain options in gke so I have to purchase a domain and update NS according to created managed dns zone NS and they will be automated sync when I update ingress in gke by
I can say I solve this problem with this steps,
1- Create a managed zone which has domain name belongs own and be sure it has permission to access domain from dns zones which you create. Mean is giving access the google project which your dns zone exist
Note: when you create the cluster be sure giving scopes for readwrite perm for managed dns zone
Create a DNS zone which will contain the managed DNS records.
2- Please deploy the resources to gke which name is
And check the logs with
And if you see something like everything is going smoothly
Note created TXT record alongside A record. TXT record signifies that the corresponding A record is managed by ExternalDNS. This makes ExternalDNS safe for running in environments where there are other records managed via other means. Let’s check that we can resolve this DNS name. We’ll ask the nameservers assigned to your zone first.
And you can check the ip of the domain is correct or has a problem
It can be complained bed domain for a while but then you will get the correct response