Given XOR & SUM of two numbers. How to find the numbers? For example, x = a+b, y = a^b; if x,y are given, how to get a, b? And if can't, give the reason.
Given XOR & SUM of two numbers. How to find the numbers?
7.5k views Asked by JavaBeta AtThere are 4 answers

Here is the solution to get all such pairs
Logic: let the numbers be a and b, we know
s = a + b
x = a ^ b
x = (s-b) ^ b
Since we know x and we know s, so for all ints going from 0 to s - just check if this last equation is satisfied
here is the code for this
public List<Pair<Integer>> pairs(int s, int x) {
List<Pair<Integer>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer>>();
for (int i = 0; i <= s; i++) {
int calc = (s - i) ^ i;
if (calc == x) {
pairs.add(new Pair<Integer>(i, s - i));
return pairs;
Class pair is defined as
class Pair<T> {
T a;
T b;
public String toString() {
return a.toString() + "," + b.toString();
public Pair(T a, T b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
Code to test this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Pair<Integer>> pairs = new Test().pairs(100,100);
for (Pair<Integer> p : pairs) {

It has already been shown that it can't be done, but here are two further reasons why.
For the (rather large) subset of a's and b's (a & b) == 0
, you have a + b == (a ^ b)
(because there can be no carries) (the reverse implication does not hold). In such a case, you can, for each bit that is 1 in the sum, choose which one of a
or b
contributed that bit. Obviously this subset does not cover the entire input, but it at least proves that it can't be done in general.
Furthermore, there exist many pairs of (x, y)
such that there is no solution to a + b == x && (a ^ b) == y
, for example (there are more than just these) all pairs (x, y)
where ((x ^ y) & 1) == 1
(ie one is odd and the other is even), because the lowest bit of the xor and the sum are equal (the lowest bit has no carry-in). By a simple counting-argument, that must mean that at least some pairs (x, y)
must have multiple solutions: clearly all pairs of (a, b)
have some pair of (x, y)
associated with them, so if not all pairs of (x, y)
can be used, some other pairs (x, y)
must be shared.
This cannot be done reliably. A single counter-example is enough to destroy any theory and, in your case, that example is
0, 100
and4, 96
. Both of these sum to100
and xor to100
as well:Hence given a sum of
and an xor of100
, you cannot know which of the possibilities generated that situation.For what it's worth, this program checks the possibilities with just the numbers
:You can then take that output and massage it to give you all the repeated possibilities:
which gives:
Even in that reduced set, there are quite a few combinations which generate the same sum and xor, the worst being the large number of possibilities that generate a sum/xor of
, which are: