Given a Stripe payment intent ID, how can I find the checkout session ID?

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For a successful payment, how can I find the related checkout session ID given the payment intent ID?


There are 2 answers


In that case you would just use the Checkout Session List API and pass in the Payment Intent ID for the payment_intent parameter. That will return an array with the related Checkout Session in it.

Fabien Snauwaert On

Given a Stripe payment intent ID, you can find the checkout session ID like so:

From Stripe CLI

stripe checkout sessions list --payment-intent=pi_abc --limit=1 --expand=data.line_items

Line items

Taking it a step further, this PHP example will return the line items for a given payment intent:

 * Returns an array of line items. On each, can access properties `price`,
 * `quantity` and more. e.g.:
 * - getLinesItemsFromPaymentIntent('pi_3MCJzWBkWO5ojRjq1zBX6gA3')[0]->price->id
 * - getLinesItemsFromPaymentIntent('pi_3MCJzWBkWO5ojRjq1zBX6gA3')[0]->quantity
function getLinesItemsFromPaymentIntent($payment_intent_id) {
    $stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient(

    $session = $stripe->checkout->sessions->all([
        'limit' => 1,
        'payment_intent' => $payment_intent_id,
        'expand' => ['data.line_items'],

    return $session->data[0]->line_items->data ?? false;


In passing, note that this will only work with products ordered through a Stripe Payment Link AKA Stripe-hosted payment page AKA checkout sessions in the API.

If/when using your own payment form, you will need to use yet another approach to retrieve line items / what was ordered by your customer

Ergo, the way to make things more consistent when using multiple types of order forms is to set/read metadata on the Subscription, payment_intent_data or whatever handles your orders.