For a successful payment, how can I find the related checkout session ID given the payment intent ID?
Given a Stripe payment intent ID, how can I find the checkout session ID?
1.5k views Asked by Dashiell Rose Bark-Huss At
There are 2 answers

Given a Stripe payment intent ID, you can find the checkout session ID like so:
From Stripe CLI
stripe checkout sessions list --payment-intent=pi_abc --limit=1 --expand=data.line_items
Line items
Taking it a step further, this PHP example will return the line items for a given payment intent:
* Returns an array of line items. On each, can access properties `price`,
* `quantity` and more. e.g.:
* - getLinesItemsFromPaymentIntent('pi_3MCJzWBkWO5ojRjq1zBX6gA3')[0]->price->id
* - getLinesItemsFromPaymentIntent('pi_3MCJzWBkWO5ojRjq1zBX6gA3')[0]->quantity
function getLinesItemsFromPaymentIntent($payment_intent_id) {
$stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient(
$session = $stripe->checkout->sessions->all([
'limit' => 1,
'payment_intent' => $payment_intent_id,
'expand' => ['data.line_items'],
return $session->data[0]->line_items->data ?? false;
In passing, note that this will only work with products ordered through a Stripe Payment Link AKA Stripe-hosted payment page AKA checkout sessions
in the API.
If/when using your own payment form, you will need to use yet another approach to retrieve line items / what was ordered by your customer
Ergo, the way to make things more consistent when using multiple types of order forms is to set/read metadata on the Subscription, payment_intent_data or whatever handles your orders.
In that case you would just use the Checkout Session List API and pass in the Payment Intent ID for the
parameter. That will return an array with the related Checkout Session in it.