Give src to image using vue js?

97 views Asked by At

So I have created an image in html and tried to give it the property v-bind:src.

This is the line of code:

<img class="summonericon" ref="summonerIcon" v-bind:src="summonerRequests.profileIcon">

summonerRequests.profileIcon is a variable I saved using a coldfusion function:

<cffunction name="getSummonerByName" access="remote" returntype="string" returnformat="JSON">
    <cfargument name="summonerName" required="true" type="string">
    <cfargument name="region" required="true" type="string">

    <cfset requesturl = "https://" & lCase(region) & "" & summonerName & "?api_key=" & api_key>

        url="#requesturl#" result="SummonerDTOJson">
        <cfhttpparam name="content-type" value="application/json" type="header">
        <cfhttpparam name="accept" value="application/json" type="header">

    <cfset summonerDTO=deserializeJSON(SummonerDTOJson.filecontent)>
    <cfset client.profileIcon
    ="" & summonerDTO.profileIconId & ".jpg">
    <cfreturn serializeJSON(summonerDTO)>

Although the image url exists, I can't make it to set the source of the image. I really need help, thanks for any help.


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