I have a couple of webapps I am adding gitversion to. Main problem - GitVersion is generating a MajorMinorPatchTag where the Major is in the format yyyymmdd. Aside from this not being a valid major version, I want the usual versioning 0.1.3.alpha.1 in the example below but I am getting 20201021.1.1.
I have removed all the old build tags from the repo so it does not appear to be finding this from tags. Is there anywhere else I can force it to ignore previous build versions and use the semver starting from the gitversion.yml/next-version setting?
Detail below:
The gitversion.yml is simple:
assembly-versioning-scheme: MajorMinorPatchTag
mode: Mainline
next-version: 0.1.3
increment: Inherit
tag: alpha
sha: []
The DevOps build task has
- task: gittools.usegitversion.gitversion-task.UseGitVersion@5
displayName: GitVersion
versionSpec: 5.x
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: Build
projects: '$(Parameters.RestoreBuildProjects)'
arguments: '--configuration $(BuildConfiguration) /p:Version=$(GitVersion.SemVer)
The output of the gitversion task is as follows:
Installing GitVersion.Tool version 5.x
Found tool in cache: GitVersion.Tool 5.3.7 x64
Prepending PATH environment variable with directory: C:\DevOps\_work\_tool\GitVersion.Tool\5.3.7\x64
C:\DevOps\_work\_tool\GitVersion.Tool\5.3.7\x64\dotnet-gitversion.exe C:/DevOps/_work/31/s /output buildserver /nofetch
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:55] Working directory: C:/DevOps/_work/31/s
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:57] Branch from build environment: refs/heads/master
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:57] Project root is: C:\DevOps\_work\31\s\
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:57] DotGit directory is: C:\DevOps\_work\31\s\.git
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:57] Begin: Normalizing git directory for branch 'refs/heads/master'
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:61] One remote found (origin -> 'https://example.com/asfalis/Legacy/_git/example.WebApi.exampleWebhookHandler').
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:61] Skipping fetching, if GitVersion does not calculate your version as expected you might need to allow fetching or use dynamic repositories
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:61] Updating local branch refs/heads/master to point at 0311e72378d5187490b39eddbfff243643b952c1
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:65] HEAD points at branch 'refs/heads/master'.
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:65] End: Normalizing git directory for branch 'refs/heads/master' (Took: 78.57ms)
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:67] Begin: Loading version variables from disk cache
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:67] Begin: Deserializing version variables from cache file C:\DevOps\_work\31\s\.git\gitversion_cache\59EC1078831A476936644C50EA5AB6347D5E7CD7.yml
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:73] End: Deserializing version variables from cache file C:\DevOps\_work\31\s\.git\gitversion_cache\59EC1078831A476936644C50EA5AB6347D5E7CD7.yml (Took: 61.06ms)
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:73] End: Loading version variables from disk cache (Took: 63.28ms)
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:75] Using latest commit on specified branch
Executing GenerateSetVersionMessage for 'AzurePipelines'.
Executing GenerateBuildLogOutput for 'AzurePipelines'.
INFO [10/21/20 20:51:49:79] Done writing
Async Command Start: Update Build Number
Update build number to 20200619.1.1+1 for build 441
Async Command End: Update Build Number
Finishing: GitVersion
with an error in the build as
....AssemblyInfo.cs(19,55): Error CS7034: The specified version string does not conform to the required format - major[.minor[.build[.revision]]]
Update 1
After moving to GitTools bundle, this is the output from "Establish Version" task:
C:\DevOps\_work\_tool\GitVersion.Tool\5.1.3\x64\dotnet-gitversion.exe C:/DevOps/_work/31/s /output json /output buildserver
thanks Krzysztof Madej for helping with this.
Turns out the "problem" is with Git in that it does not automatically prune tags in local repos. ("problem" is not really a bug - there are good reasons for not pruning local tags).
So when using our self hosted build server, the old tags (yyyymmdd.1.1) were hanging around on the agent from a prior build even after I deleted those tags on the server. Because yyyymmdd is greater than the semver major I wanted, it was used instead. Downstream, the build complained of an invalid major version.
If you are using MS Hosted agents, you get a clean git repo every time so no old tags, no problems.
If using self-hosted agents, workaround - set the clean option on the pipeline sources.
For local builds, issue a "git fetch origin --prune --prune-tags" (not tested but I got a clue from this post.)