GitEye won't show changes

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Using GitEye:

I have cloned my existing repository down from GitHub, to ... git / Android.Project

Using File Manager I have copied the updated files from my working directory ... ... Projects / Android.Project to ... git / Android.Project

My working directory does not have a .git file in it, so it is not being overwritten.

Using GitEye:

I tried dragging the files from the Working Tree Files view to the Staged Changes view, and am unsuccessful.

I am not attempting to commit and push the changes back to GitHub, and get the eror, "There are no staged Files"

Using CLI:

cd git / Android.Project git status

[List of modified and untracked files appears .... YAY!!!!]

git commit -a -m"Many Changes"

15 files changed, 1121 insertions(+), 410 deletions(-)

git status

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

git add -A git commit -a -m"resource images"

git status

On branch master Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits. (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working directory clean

git remote -v

origin (fetch) origin (push)

git push origin master

Counting objects: 83, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (51/51), done. Writing objects: 100% (57/57), 49.92 KiB, done. Total 57 (delta 24), reused 0 (delta 0) To ad6e5a9..047bb32 master -> master

So, I did all that through the CLI, why couldn't GitEye do this?

Back in GitEye I request to see the latest GIT commits and can see what I committed through CLI git.

So, any thoughts as to why this isn't working the way I expect it to?

Pardon the formatting issues, apparently StackOverflow doesn't like CLI copy/pastes


There are 3 answers

Sandeep Arora On

Well try this:

Window > Preferences > General > Workspace. In the right pane select "Refresh using native hooks or polling". Restart GitEye.

Now make changes to any file, switch to GitEye and give it a couple of seconds. The changed files will appear automatically in Git Files/Git Staging view.

Version: GitEye (Linux 64-bit) version Screenshot

steal3rd On

You may be seeing a situation similar to the one I regularly face with GitEye. Changed files don't immediately appear in the Git Files view. I force the listing to refresh by choosing any other option from the pop-up menu of filtering options. This is the control just above the Working Tree Files listing.

Usually, I'm in the "Show Pending" listing so I change to something like "Show Clean." Then I change back to "Show Pending" and my changed files usually show up then.

UPDATE: As it turns out this is probably the result of a recognized bug by the Egit team, and it has been addressed.

Forum post: EGit keeps showing CVS files in Unstaged/Staged view

Bug: CVS directories are erroneously shown as deleted in staging view and commit dialog

As near as I can tell upgrading to GitEye version 2.0 has taken care of the issue for me.

lotif On

Just adding to steal3rd's answer, there is a refresh button hidden into the Git Repositories view:

enter image description here