git-tf configure problems with space (%20)

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Currently trying to copy a local git repository to my 2013 TFS server.

When I try to use this command: git tf configure http://ip:8080/tfs/collection%20name/ $/project

I get the error: git-tf: 'http://ip:8080/tfs/collection%20name/' is not a valid URL

The TFS collection name contains a space but as far as I know you can replace it with %20 and it should work.


There are 1 answers

LoLance On

TFS2013 and git-tf are old, so I can't get similar environment like yours.

I assume you need to check if you're using correct url, open TFS web portal and you'll see the correct url:

enter image description here

If the issue persists though you're using correct url with git-tf 2.0.3 release, there might be an issue with git-tf tool. I think you can try Git Tfs tool like Daniel suggested above since the Git-TF had reached its end-of-life after 2013.

(Ps: In my test, Git TFS can recognize the collection name which contains space(%20) well.)