Git stash and apply to a branch

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So I make changes in 'branch - A', and pushed that branch remotely. Now I checkout a new 'branch - B' and begin work on it. But, now I need to work on branch-A again.

This is what i plan to do:

  1. While my current branch is B I will do: git stash.

  2. git checkout branch-A

After I am done working on branch A, I would do git stash ( to save changes of branch-A).

Now here is my question, If I need to work on branch-B again, how should i do git stash pop ?

I dont want A's stash to be applied on branch B ?


There are 1 answers


You can see the stash list (follow stack). git stash apply default to stash@{0}. If you want another previous stash then, just mention stash@<number>.

$ git checkout B
# do some change here
$ git add .
$ git stash save 'stash of B'

$ git checkout A
# do some change here
$ git add .
$ git stash save 'stash of A'

$ git checkout B  
$ git stash list                # see the stash list with message
$ git stash apply stash@{1}     # B's stash will be applied

$ git stash drop stash@{1}      # remove B's stash from stash stack