Git log for a specific line in a file between the commit id and a prior date?

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Supposing to have a file (and its path) path/to/file in a specific version committed in a commit with a specific sha that we call hex_sha. After the use of git blame file/to/path hex_sha I get each row modified in that revision. For this example we assume to check the line with number line_i Supposing to have another prior date date_limit. How can I use git log to get how many times (or a list of commits) the line line_i in the file path/to/file has been modified from the revision with sha hex_sha to a specific date date_limit?

I tried: git log --since=date_limit origin..hex_sha -- -Lline_i,+1:path/to/file and other different arrangements of this command but nothing happens or git badly understand the file name. I have the impression that after -- while a target revision is present, git take the first argument after -- as file path. I'm sure that the date_limit is prior to the commit in exam.


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