ggplot2 extension and add-on packages

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I've used ggmap for a while and I've recently become aware of ggExtra and cowplot. Could anyone point me in the direction of a comprehensive list of ggplot2 add-on packages?


There are 1 answers

jrdnmdhl On

Take a look at and the list of packages which depend on it as a starting point (particularly those w/ gg in the name). I've reproduced some of this from that link below.

Reverse depends: alphahull, AmpliconDuo, aoristic, apsimr, arqas, bcrm, bde, benchmark, biomod2, bootnet, brms, caret, catenary, chemosensors, CINOEDV, cjoint, ClimClass, climwin, clustrd, coefplot, conformal, COPASutils, cowplot, Crossover, dae, Deducer, DepthProc, dfexplore, diffeR, dMod, dslice, DynNom, earlywarnings, eeptools, ESGtoolkit, fbroc, fishmove, freqparcoord, gapmap, gettingtothebottom, ggmap, ggmcmc, ggparallel, ggROC, ggswissmaps, ggtern, ggthemes, GOplot, gpmap, granovaGG, gsDesign, GSE, Hmisc, hyperSpec, idm, intsvy, learnstats, likeLTD, likert, localgauss, lsbclust, MCMC.OTU, MCMC.qpcr, mcprofile, MergeGUI, meteogRam, MissingDataGUI, mlr, mlxR, mosaic, MRMR, multilevelPSA, NeatMap, nullabor, orgR, OutbreakTools, PairedData, PASWR2, pauwels2014, PAWL, pbdPROF, pcrcoal, PedCNV, pequod, perry, perspectev, PhaseType, phylosim,, pitchRx, PKgraph, PKreport, pointRes, PopED, popgraph, PPtreeViz, precintcon, prevR, PRISMA, profileR, ProgGUIinR, PSAboot, QCAtools, quadrupen, QualInt, quickpsy, radiant, RAM, Rcell, RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2, rfPermute, RGraphics, RIGHT, RJafroc, rms, robustHD, rorutadis, rotations, rplos, RSA, RSDA, Rz, SciencesPo, season, sglr, slackr, SmarterPoland, SMFI5, snht,, sotkanet, sparkTable, spcosa, spikeSlabGAM, spocc, sprm, statebins, SWMPr, synthpop, tcR, tdr, timeline, TriMatch, TripleR, tspmeta, useful, userfriendlyscience, vdg, waffle, xkcd, YourCast, zooaRch

Reverse imports: adegenet, alm, antitrust, asremlPlus, asVPC, BACA, BBEST, bdscale, bdvis, bear, Biograph, BioStatR, blowtorch, bmmix, breakpoint, broman, BTSPAS, capm, caretEnsemble, Causata, choroplethr, choroplethrAdmin1, classify, classyfire, clhs, clifro, complmrob, confidence, cooccur, cosinor, CosmoPhotoz, cplm, cutoffR, dcmr, DescribeDisplay, DFIT, diveRsity, dsm, DTR, DVHmetrics, dynsim, dynsurv, EasyHTMLReport, EcoGenetics, EffectLiteR, ega, egcm, emil, EpiDynamics, erer, evolqg, extracat, ez, ezsim, FAOSTAT, fheatmap, FinCal, fSRM, G2Sd, gfcanalysis, GGally, ggdendro, ggenealogy, ggExtra, ggRandomForests, ggsubplot, gitter, GraphPCA, greport, growcurves, growfunctions, hierarchicalDS, HighDimOut, HistDAWass, HLMdiag, IAT, kdetrees, kobe, llama, lmerTest, lmms, LocFDRPois, mapDK, marked, marmap, MAVIS, metagen, metaMix, Methplot, microbenchmark, micromap, mizer, Mobilize, multiDimBio, MultiMeta, ncappc, netgen, networkreporting, NeuralNetTools, ngramr, NMF, NORRRM, oaxaca, OpasnetUtils, optiRum, orderedLasso, P2C2M, pa, paleofire, partialAR, performanceEstimation, plot2groups, plotROC, pogit, PopGenReport, poppr, predictmeans, PReMiuM, pRF, primerTree, proteomics, qdap, qgraph, qwraps2, rags2ridges, rAltmetric, randomUniformForest, rbison, RDS, repra, reproducer, rfigshare, rfisheries, RFmarkerDetector, rgauges, rgbif, rinat, rnoaa, RobustEM, robustlmm, rSPACE, rvertnet, rWBclimate, saeSim, SCGLR, sdmvspecies, SeqFeatR, sidier, simPH, SixSigma, sjPlot, smoof, solarius, sorvi, statar, stcm, structSSI, strvalidator, survMisc, TcGSA, tigerstats, TreatmentSelection, treeclim, treemap, tvm, USAboundaries, vdmR, vmsbase, Wats, wppExplorer, wq, x.ent