Getting URL for item using GetSiteData in Sharepoint

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I'm using web.Site.MakeFullUrl((new SPFieldLookupValue(row["FileRef"] as string).LookupValue)) to get the URL to results in a GetSiteData query.

For some items this works fine, but for others I get results like http://server/Lists/My%20Message%20Board/Test/9_.000 - which always 404s. The urls always end in n_.0000.

Does anybody know why this is happening and how to get the correct URL?


There are 2 answers

Colin On

The items generating the weird url are not items in a Document Library that have a file associated with the actual SPListItem. The "normal" urls are urls to files in a doc lib, the weird ones are urls to items in a regular list. Just check for the type of item in the webpart / control / xsl to render the results.

If it is an item from a regular list (with the weird url), just replace it and make the url look like so:

http://server/Lists/My%20Message%20Board/Test/9_.000 should be:


Toad of Toad Hall On

The advice above, by Colin, seems sound except for the fact that the 'good' url should reference Dispform.aspx. For example,

The URL,


Should be formatted like this:
