Getting unwanted signals/input from terminal in c program

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I written c program in the below concepts.


   /* check the give process id is alive or not. if not alive then start that process.*/
   void * thread1()
     while(1) {
       if (kill(pid, 0)!=0) {

  /* Get the process id for the started process */
   void *thread2() {
     while (1) {
       FILE *fp = popen("ps -af | grep "process1");
       get_pid(pid, fp);

   get_pid(pid, fp) {
     /*  Get the pid for the new process using getline() and string parsing using string token function, its long code so not pasted here.*/

   main(int arg, char *args[]) {
     pthread_t tid1, tid2;
     pthread_create(tid1,NULL, &thread1, NULL);
     pthread_create(tid2, NULL, &thread2, NULL);
     //Checks thread created success or not.


   main() {
     char input[100];
     while (1) {
       fgets(input, 100, stdin);
       printf("\n Input is %s \n", input);

I started the process program first, and get the pid and starting the main_process. After some time I killed the process program using kill -9 pid. So the if condition of thread1 in main_process passed and starts the process program.

Getting inputs from the terminal. After some time I again killed the process program using kill -9 pid. So thread1 again starts the process program.

Issue is the following: When the process program starts for the second time, getting unwanted inputs from terminal. I have no idea about who's sending, issue in keyboard or in my program concepts.

Please inform where I made mistakes.


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