Getting sum of textbox from all the dynamically generated usercontrols

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I want to add the price(label) of all the dynamically generated usercontrol and set to a label on the winform how can i do that? by clicking the ok button on the winform i tried this code but it didn't add the labels and the output is always 0 Here is the image : and this is my code :

 private void add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double g = 0;
        foreach (Control ctrl in Controls)
            if (ctrl is DynaItems)
                var myCrl = ctrl as DynaItems;
                g += Convert.ToInt32(myCrl.price.Text);
        textBox1.Text = g.ToString();

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I think this might be coming from the fact that you want a double while you're converting to an Int32. Try this code and at the same time check if your price control has its property Text correct.

private void add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    double g = 0;

    // Controls.OfType will automatically find your DynaItems controls and cast them for you
    foreach (DynaItems dynaItem in Controls.OfType<DynaItems>())
        // Breakpoint here and check the value of dynaItem.price.Text
        g += double.Parse(dynaItem.price.Text);

    textBox1.Text = g.ToString();