I want to get static image with calling an API from mapbox, but it returns me this message:
{"message":"Failed parsing geojson"} // with status code:422
I used mapbox_search package to create the API. this is My code:
MapBoxStaticImage staticImage = MapBoxStaticImage(
Future<String> getStaticImageWithMarker() async {
final locationData = await locationFinder.Location().getLocation();
return staticImage.getStaticUrlWithMarker(
center: Location(lat: locationData.latitude, lng: locationData.longitude),
marker: MapBoxMarker(
markerColor: Color.rgb(200, 0, 0),
markerLetter: 'p',
markerSize: MarkerSize.LARGE),
height: 300,
width: 600,
zoomLevel: 16,
style: MapBoxStyle.Streets,
render2x: true,
getStaticImageWithMarker() function returns this api for creating the image, but I get the error that I mentioned at the top.
Is there anybody to know where I did wrong in this APIcalling?
In mapbox i got "Invalid Image" error. And i select Carto in Mapbox style it fixed.
enter image description here