I have a simple layout to get/set states of IOs of an USB board. Each row corresponds to a module and column to an IO pin. THe purpose is to set states of outputs on one row, and see if the inputs match the ones checked on another row.
I made this to setup the layout
QLabel * templab = new QLabel;
templab ->setText(QString("Broche ->"));
gridLayout_2->addWidget(templab, 0, 0);
for (int row = 1; row < modules+1 ;row++)
QLabel * templab = new QLabel;
templab ->setText(QString("Module %1").arg(row-1));
gridLayout_2->addWidget(templab, row, 0);
for (int col = 1; col < colonnes+1 ;col++)
QLabel * templab = new QLabel;
templab ->setNum(col);
gridLayout_2->addWidget(templab, 0, col);
for (int row = 1; row < modules +1 ;row++)
for (int col = 1; col < colonnes+1 ;col++)
QCheckBox* checkBox = new QCheckBox();
gridLayout_2 ->addWidget(checkBox,row,col);
How do I check the state of checkboxes ?
I did not find any clue on how to get the state of a checkbox using gridLayout_2->itematposition(x,y)
Thanks a lot.
Edit: following Spyke advice, I used :
QCheckBox * checkBox = findChild<QCheckBox*>(ui->gridLayout_5->itemAtPosition(x,y)->widget()->objectName());
There's another way to do it that I discovered:
QCheckBox * ios[8][16];
for (int row = 1; row < modules +1 ;row++)
for (int col = 1; col < colonnes+1 ;col++)
ios[row-1][col-1]= new QCheckBox();
ui->gridLayout_5 ->addWidget(ios[row-1][col-1],row,col);
and to test the state:
if (ios[x][y]->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
qDebug()<<"UN Checked"<<endl;
You can use