Getting sonarlint error in eclipse while trying to get value from hashmap

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I'm getting error like "Call "Optional#isPresent()" before accessing the value", while trying to get value from hashmap.


String promolevelname = eventCampiagnResponseObj.getEventCampMap().get(Integer.valueOf(sceobj[18].toString())).keySet().stream().findFirst().get();

Please give me a solution to resolve this issue, Thanks


There are 3 answers

Andrius Burokas On BEST ANSWER

It suggests that the code line


is returning an Optional object, which you should check if it's not 'null' and only then execute get() on it.

One possible solution would be this:

Optional<String> promolevelnameOpt = eventCampiagnResponseObj.getEventCampMap().get(Integer.valueOf(sceobj[18].toString())).keySet().stream().findFirst().get();
if (promolevelnameOpt.isPresent()) {
  promolevelname = promolevelnameOpt.get();
} else {
  // promolevelnameOpt contains null
v37 On

Instead of .get() you could use .orElse(null)

So your code becomes :

String promolevelname = eventCampiagnResponseObj.getEventCampMap().get(Integer.valueOf(sceobj[18].toString())).keySet().stream().findFirst().orElse(null);
Planck Constant On

findFirst returns Optional but it will throw NoSuchElementException if there is no value. So you need to check if there is a value present.

Optional<String> value = obj.getOptional()
if (value.isPresent()) {

In your situation it should look like this:

Optional<String> optionalValue = eventCampiagnResponseObj.getEventCampMap().get(Integer.valueOf(sceobj[18].toString())).keySet().stream().findFirst();
if (optionalValue .isPresent()) {
    String promolevelname  = optionalValue.get();