I've got monogame working in VS 2013 but I can't get the content pipeline to work. When I try to import an existing Content pipeline Project I get the following error.
And I can't create a new project since the templates arent installed in 2013.
Since I am running windows 8 I cannot install XNA (installer stops saying it requires Win 7 or Vista). Reading here: https://github.com/mono/MonoGame/wiki/MonoGame-Content-Processing It seems XNA is required..?
Fex answer gets the templates installed in VS 2013 and I can create a new MonoGame windows Project. But I still cant create or open content projects as they crash with this error
Not sure will it work on your pc - in my case it worked.
EDIT: edited script - try this edited script, be sure you have XNAGS40_setup in same folder and that you run it with administrator priviliages