Getting JSON parsing error when sending JMeter Assertion result through email

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In my JMeter test plan, I added below as JSR223 Assertion to format the JSON response.

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;

def failureMessage = "";
def jsonResponse = null;
def headers = null;
def responseTime = null;

JsonSlurper JSON = new JsonSlurper();

try {
    jsonResponse = JSON.parseText(prev.getResponseDataAsString());"Wards response: "+jsonResponse);
    headers = SampleResult.getRequestHeaders();
    responseTime = SampleResult.getTime();
} catch (Exception e) {
    failureMessage += "Invalid JSON.\n"
if (!"200".equals(prev.getResponseCode())) {
    failureMessage += "Expected <response code> [200] but we got instead [" + prev.getResponseCode() + "]\n\n";
if (!"OK".equals(prev.getResponseMessage())) {
    failureMessage += "Expected <response Message> [OK] but we got instead [" + prev.getResponseMessage() + "]\n\n";

if (!jsonResponse.keySet().containsAll(["wards"])) {
    failureMessage += "The json config element has wrong structure. No wards key\n\n";
if (!jsonResponse.wards.getAt(0).keySet().containsAll(["id","name","shortName"])) {
    failureMessage += "The wards element has wrong structure. Key(s) are missing or wrong \n\n";

if (!jsonResponse.wards.size==95) {
    failureMessage += "Wards count is wrong..! :[" + jsonResponse.wards.size + "]\n\n";
if (!(headers.contains("ticketheader") && headers.contains("Content-Type") && headers.contains("Host") && headers.contains("User-Agent"))) {
    failureMessage += "Headers are not correct..!";

if (failureMessage?.trim()) {

// Print error messages if any
if (failureMessage?.trim()) {
    failureMessage += "URL: " + SampleResult.getURL() + "\n\n";
    failureMessage += "JSON RESPONSE: " + jsonResponse + "\n\n";
    failureMessage += "REQUEST HEADERS: " + SampleResult.getRequestHeaders() + "\n\n";


Then I added below Beanshell script to get the Assertion Test results thorough email body.

import org.apache.jmeter.assertions.AssertionResult;

AssertionResult[] results = prev.getAssertionResults();
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
for (AssertionResult result : results) {
vars.put("body", body.toString());

But in result email, I'm getting below error.

*javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.json.JsonException: Lexing failed on line: 1, column: 1, while reading 'j', no possible valid JSON value or punctuation could be recognized.*

In my test plan I need to use both scripts to format the JSON and send the email. How do I resolve this issue?


There are 1 answers

Dmitri T On

Your script is failing because you're not getting valid JSON, proper JSON object starts with { or [ and you're getting j, try using a service like JSONLint which will highlight all problematic places in your response

Since JMeter 3.1 you should not be using Beanshell so I believe you can put your Beanshell code to the JSR223 Assertion, it will work without changes.