File "generate_scorer_package", line 1 SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xea' in file generate_scorer_package on line 2, but no encoding declared; see for details
Getting following error on generating language scorer on Deepspeech
109 views Asked by Rahul Tripathi At
Before answering this question, I am going to make some assumptions:
Firstly, I believe you are following the DeepSpeech Playbook and are at the step in generating a
file, as documented hereSecondly, I am going to assume that you are using a Python editor of some descrition, like PyCharm.
The error
SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xea' in file generate_scorer_package on line 2, but no encoding declared; see for details
is not related to DeepSpeech; it is related the Python encoding of the file that is being executed.Python 3 assumes that the encoding of the
file isUTF-8
; however some editors - particularly editors in other locales - can override this setting.To force the file to
encoding, add the following code to the top of
file:NOTE: It MUST be at the top of the file
Alternatively, identify where in your editor the encoding is set, and change it.
See also these Stack Overflow questions that are similar:
SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\x92' in file D:\AIAssistant\build\ on line 92, but no encoding declared;
SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\x82'