I'm using express graphql with the react starter kit boilerplate and am trying to define my own nested schema when i get the error Error: Availability.rooms field type must be Output Type but got: undefined.
I took the examples which all had resolve at the first depth field - I changed it so that my field had a nested field type and moved the resolve to the nested field - but I think I have a syntax error.
import {
GraphQLSchema as Schema,
GraphQLObjectType as ObjectType,
} from 'graphql';
import hotel from './queries/hotel';
const schema = new Schema({
query: new ObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: {
export default schema;
import {
GraphQLObjectType as ObjectType,
GraphQLList as List,
GraphQLString as StringType,
GraphQLBoolean as BooleanType,
GraphQLInt as IntType,
GraphQLNonNull as NonNull,
} from 'graphql';
import { checkAvailability } from './hotels';
const RoomType = new ObjectType({
name: 'Room',
fields: {
name: { type: new NonNull(StringType) },
roomTypeCategory: { type: new NonNull(StringType) },
nights: { type: new NonNull(IntType) },
isAvailable: { type: new NonNull(BooleanType) },
startDate: { type: new NonNull(StringType) },
endDate: { type: new NonNull(StringType) },
availability: { type: new List(BooleanType) },
const AvailabilityType = new ObjectType({
name: 'Availability',
args: {
hotelId: { type: new NonNull(StringType) },
checkIn: { type: new NonNull(StringType) },
checkOut: { type: new NonNull(StringType) },
numberOfAdults: { type: new NonNull(IntType) },
fields: { rooms: new List(RoomType) },
async resolve({ request }, { hotelId, checkIn, checkOut, numberOfAdults }) {
const rooms = await checkAvailability({
return { rooms };
export default {
type: new ObjectType({
name: 'Hotels',
fields: {
availability: { type: AvailabilityType },
It should be:
As a field could get more properties other than
for example), you should pass an object that has atype
property. Just like what you did for the rest of them.