Getting error “You have exceeded the maximum transaction amount set by your bank” when calling Google Pay intent from my android app

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I am facing a problem with Google pay integration(in-app payment) in android app. When I make a request to transact I am getting the error "You have exceeded the maximum transaction amount set by your bank" even though that is my first transaction. And when I try to send amount directly from Google pay it works.

This is the Google pay's in-app payment resource.

Here is code

Uri uri = new Uri.Builder()
                .appendQueryParameter("pa", upiId) //receiver's upiId
                .appendQueryParameter("pn", name)  //receiver's name
                .appendQueryParameter("tn", transactionNote) // reason for transaction
                .appendQueryParameter("am", amount) // amount
                .appendQueryParameter("cu", "INR")
// Intent to call GPay app
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
startActivityForResult(intent, GOOGLE_PAY_REQUEST_CODE);

I have gone through quite a number of resources online but didn't find any solution. Any help or suggestions would be greatly helpful ?


There are 3 answers

Prince Patel On

I got the same problem when I send money from Intent Call.

I found one solution for that. if you Send money to Google pay business account (verified) then it works fine for me.

I suggest making a G-Pay business Account and Vefired by following Google Conditions. Then .appendQueryParameter("pn", name) in the name section set Your G-Pay Business UPI id. After that, it should Work Fine.

G-Pay Business Id like This -> xxxxxxxxxx@okbizaxis

I hope Your Problem solve.

Note: Sender G-Pay Normal Account is fine. But Receiver G-Pay Account Must be Business Account.

Striped Mittens On

Facing the same problem. Was working fine a couple of weeks earlier. Suddenly stopped working

Kamal Bunkar On

Yes, From 20th Oct 2020, Google pay app is showing the error "bank limit exceeded" when using intent call. The solution is simple,

    • Now google pay normal app ID can't be use for accepting payment via intent call. You need a google pay business app ID.
    • Use param "mc" and "tr" in intent call. Where "mc" stand for -"merchant code" and "tr" stand for - "transaction refer id" You can pass "mc" as blank value and "tr" can be any random value.

You can see complete details about it from here . As of now it is working perfectly for Google pay app.

Uri uri = Uri.parse("upi://pay").buildUpon()
     .appendQueryParameter("pa", upiId)  // google pay business id
     .appendQueryParameter("pn", name)
     .appendQueryParameter("mc", "")            /// 1st param - use it (it was commented on my earlier tutorial)
     //.appendQueryParameter("tid", "02125412")
     .appendQueryParameter("tr", "25584584")   /// 2nd param - use it (it was commented on my earlier tutorial)
     .appendQueryParameter("tn", note)
     .appendQueryParameter("am", amount)
     .appendQueryParameter("cu", "INR")
     //.appendQueryParameter("refUrl", "blueapp")