I am trying to convert .vmx to OVF format using OVFtool. I am following the below steps:
Copying .vmx and .vmdk file using "scp" command from ESX server to one linux box.
On linux box, executed command [# ovftool myVM.vmx myOVF.ovf] from the location where .vmx and .vmdk are present. I get error as below:
Opening VMX source: myVM.vmx Error: Failed to open disk: myVM.vmdk Completed with errors
Please can anyone suggest
I have also noticed that on ESX there are 2-3 .vmdk files of same VM, myVM-flat.vmdk, myVM.vmdk, myVM-000001.vmdk. Do I need to copy all .vmdk files to linux box and then convert file format?
You have answered the question yourself :). Yes you need to copy all the files e.g myVM-000001.vmdk, myVM-flat.vmdk, myVM.vmdk to your location and then do the conversion.