I am using python ingress module for connectivity with vectorwise database. For describe a table I am using the code below:
import ingresdbi
local_db = ingresdbi.connect(database ='x',uid ='y',driver ='z',pwd ='p')
local_db_cursor = local_db.cursor()
local_db_cursor.execute('help tran_applog ; ' )
I am getting this error :
Syntax error. Last symbol read was: 'help'."
Solutions will be appreciated. Thanks
The problem you've got is that 'help' isn't a real SQL statement that's understood by the DBMS server. It's really a terminal monitor command that gets converted into some queries against the system catalogs under the covers.
The alternative depends a little on what you're trying to get from the "describe table". The system catalogs relating to table and column information are iitables and iicolumns and you can do a select against them. Check the documentation or experiment.
Alternatively there appears to be a row descriptor you can get from ingresdbi, see the example here http://community.actian.com/wiki/Python_Row_Description