Getting error Cannot extract package using Node-webkit

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I am getting the following message when i am trying to to run one desktop application using Node-webkit.

Cannot extract package 

Failed to unzip the package file: C:\Documents

Actually i have downloaded the node-webkit and placed inside c drive(i.e-C:\node-webkit-v0.11.5-win-ia32) after unzip it.I created two file i.e-index.html and package.json in another location(i.e-C:\Documents and Settings\Subhrajyoti\Desktop\htdocs\desktop1).When i run command(i.e.C:\node-webkit-v0.11.5-win-ia32\nw C:\Documents and Settings\Subhrajyoti\Desktop\htdocs\desktop1) in cmd,it gave me the above message.I have the below file to run.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Node Webkit</title>



  "name" : "nw-demo",
  "main" : "index.html",
  "window" : {
    "toolbar" : true

Please help me to run this app successfully.


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