Getting back my output

72 views Asked by At

I am trying to create a hardware accelerator for a cryptography application SHA256 first I am using a Nexys4 FPGA as platform and a Cortex-m0 as a processor with AHBlite bus system. i created a simple accelerator that adds two integer using a hardware accelerator then i called the output of my accelerator using these instructions

volatile unsigned int regSHA2 __attribute__((at(0x59000000)))...
*(volatile unsigned int *)regSHA2= a;
*(volatile unsigned int *)regSHA2= b;
c = *(volatile signed int *)regSHA2;

All is fine with the adder accelerator . However, when i use the same thing with my SH2 accelerator i get the last inpout that i sent to the accelerator ...although the result of the simulation are correct i get my encrypted message but i can't get it back to my software application


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