Getting this error below. How can I fix it?
1 frames
<ipython-input-7-3be77148eaa3> in create_training_data(data)
39 # Loop through the data and retrieve relevant info
40 for i in range(len(data['energy'])):
---> 41 X[i][0] = data['energy'][i]
42 X[i][1] = data['chroma_stft'][i]
43 X[i][2] = data['spectral_contrast'][i]
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object does not support item assignment
I am trying to build this music generator. But getting the error mentioned above. Can someone please have a look at the code and let me know what to update to make it all work?
The full code is provided below. Completing a project with deadline close so some help would really be appreciated.
# importing necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn
import librosa
# Gathering user's input
# Gather the tempo, rhythm and tone of the song
tempo = int(input("What tempo would you like the song to have? (BPM)"))
rhythm = input("What rhythm would you like the song to have? (e.g. 4/4) ")
tone = input("What is the 'feel' or tone of the song? (e.g. cheerful, melancholy)")
# Defining some Helper Functions
# File_Retreival
# This function will retrieve our dataset with audio information
def file_retreival(file):
# Using Librosa to import the audio file
audio, sample_rate = librosa.load(file)
# Defining various results from the audio source
results = {
"tempo": librosa.beat.tempo(audio, sample_rate),
"energy": librosa.feature.rms(audio),
"chroma_stft": librosa.feature.chroma_stft(audio),
"spectral_contrast": librosa.feature.spectral_contrast(audio),
"tonnetz": librosa.feature.tonnetz(y=librosa.effects.harmonic(audio))
return results
# Create Training Data
# This function will prepare our data for training
def create_training_data(data):
# Retrieve the silhouette information
data_shape = np.ravel(data['chroma_stft']).shape
# Create an empty list to store training data
X = np.zeros(data_shape[0])
# Loop through the data and retrieve relevant info
for i in range(len(data['energy'])):
X[i][0] = data['energy'][i]
X[i][1] = data['chroma_stft'][i]
X[i][2] = data['spectral_contrast'][i]
X[i][3] = data['tonnetz'][i]
X[i][4] = data['tempo']
return X
# Build Model
# This function will build our ML model
def build_model(X_train, y_train):
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# Create the model
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
# Train the model using X_train and y_train, y_train)
# Return the model
return model
# Generate Music
# This function will generate the music using ML
def generate_music(model, X):
# Generate predictions using X
pred = model.predict(X)
# Return the predictions
return pred
# Create Music
# This function will create the music according to the tempo and user-given parameters
def create_music(pred, sample_rate, tempo, rhythm, tone):
# Import necessary libraries
from mido import Message, MidiFile
from mido.midifiles import MidiTrack
from mido.messages import note_on, note_off
# Create a new MIDI file
mid = MidiFile()
# Create a track
track = MidiTrack()
# Set the tempo
track.append(Message("set_tempo", tempo=tempo))
# Set the time signature
track.append(Message("time_signature", numerator=rhythm))
# Iterate through the predictions and create the notes
for i in range(len(pred)):
duration = pred[i][0]
# Note on message
track.append(Message("note_on", note=pred[i][1], velocity=127, time=0))
# Note off message
track.append(Message("note_off", note=pred[i][1], velocity=127, time=duration))
# Set the tone according to the user given parameters
track.append(Message("control_change", data=[2,tone]))
# Save the MIDI file"generated_music.mid")
# Main function
# This function will execute the program and generate the music
def main():
# Gather the file and retrieve the data
file = "audio.mp3"
data = file_retreival(file)
# Create the training data
X_train = create_training_data(data)
# Create the labels (in this case, empty labels as we just want to generate music)
y_train = np.zeros(X_train.shape[0])
# Build the model
model = build_model(X_train, y_train)
# Generate the music predictions
music_pred = generate_music(model, X_train)
# Create the music
create_music(music_pred, data['sample_rate'], tempo, rhythm, tone)
# Execute the main function