Getting a 500 Error when inserting a new stream

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Since about 5 hours ago we are getting the following error when creating a new stream either via the API or the 'try it' page:

Uncategorised|2020-10-06 11:09:00.4168|ERROR|The service youtube has thrown an exception: Google.GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Internal error encountered. [500] Errors [ Message[Internal error encountered.] Location[ - ] Reason[backendError] Domain[global] ]

sample json { "cdn": { "format":"720p", "frameRate":"30fps", "ingestionInfo": null, "ingestionType":"rtmp", "resolution":"720p", "ETag": null }, "contentDetails": { "closedCaptionsIngestionUrl": null, "isReusable": false, "ETag": null }, "etag": null, "id": null, "kind": null, "snippet": { "channelId": null, "description": null, "isDefaultStream": null, "publishedAt": null, "title":"Stream_223", "ETag": null }, "status": null }


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