I am new to JavaScript and PaperJS. What I am trying to do is:
1) Load image to canvas using raster - done
var imageCanvas = document.getElementById('image-canvas');
var drawCanvas = document.getElementById('draw-canvas');
var img = document.getElementById('img');
imageCanvas.width = img.width;
imageCanvas.height = img.height;
var scope = new paper.PaperScope();
scope.setup(imageCanvas);//this will be active
var views = [2];
views[0] = scope.View._viewsById['image-canvas'];
views[1] = scope.View._viewsById['draw-canvas'];
views[0]._project.activate(); //making sure we are working on the right canvas
raster = new paper.Raster({source:img.src, position: views[0].center});
2) get the sub raster of the image; the rectangle is drawn by the user using mouse drag events. But for the sake of convenience lets say I have a rectangle at position (10,10) and dimensions (100,100) 3) get the sub raster and show the preview in other drawcanvas
views[1]._project.activate();// activating draw-canvas
var subras = raster.getSubRaster(new paper.Path.Rectangle(new paper.Point(10,10), new paper.Size(100,100))); //Ignore if the rectangle inside is not initialized correctly
But, nothing happens on the draw-canvas.
I also tried using
var subrasdata = raster.getSubRaster(new paper.Path.Rectangle(new paper.Point(10,10), new paper.Size(100,100))).toDataURL();
but it gives me
Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported.
Is there any other way to get the sub raster and pasting it in other canvas?
Instead of getSubRaster() I used Raster#getSubCanvas and Context#drawImage to paste in new canvas. So in short