GetOrgChart: maximum allowed primaryColumns

517 views Asked by At

Is there a upper limit to how many primaryColumns you can show in OrgChart. I cant seem to add more than 4. If you look at the example below, email address is not rendered. Is this correct behavior? Is there a way to overwrite this setting?

        primaryColumns: ["name", "title","department", "phone", "email"],
                dataSource:[{"id":1,"parentId":null,"name":"John Doe","positionId":"771","title":"Vice-President","location":"Location","department":"IT-Dallas","phone":"(333)-444-6363","email":"[email protected]","image":""}]

Here is a jsfiddle


There are 1 answers


You need to add more textPoints to the theme you are using. See this fiddle.

Within the theme object, I added a custom theme object, and within that added additional textPoints:

    textPointsNoImage: [{
            x: 20,
            y: 30,
            width: 330
        }, {
            x: 20,
            y: 50,
            width: 330
        }, {
            x: 20,
            y: 75,
            width: 330
        }, {
            x: 20,
            y: 95,
            width: 330
        }, {
            x: 20,
            y: 115,
            width: 330
        }, {
            x: 20,
            y: 125,
            width: 330

You'll need to do that for both the textPointsNoImage and textPoints arrays.

Or as an alternative, .push() additional text point objects into the arrays in the theme you are using.