We are using mySQL + JDO + Datanucleus.
When I call pm.getObjectById(type,id); it throws the exception
javax.jdo.JDOUserException: Failed to find the object of with id "org.geppetto.persistence.db.model.GeppettoProject:1"
org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotResolvedException: Class "org.geppetto.persistence.db.model.GeppettoProject" was not found in the CLASSPATH. Please check your specification and your CLASSPATH.
However if before calling it I query the database with something like the following
Query query = pm.newQuery(GeppettoProject.class);
then from that moment on getObjectById
starts returning the object. Is this behaviour correct? getObjectById
seems to only return things once they are cached, i.e. only after a query was executed.
In general I wouldn't like to have to bother with this, if things have to be fetched for the first time then let it be, if they were already fetched give me whatever is cached but I wouldn't expect to have to know about it. Am I missing something?